Title: Thorn Series: Rosewood High #1 Genre: High school bully romance Trope(s): enemies-to-lovers, bully Cliffhanger: no for the couple but timeline continues Spice level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This is exactly what I needed right now to avoid the reading slump that I was going into! Thorn is your typical trashy high school bully romance with a lot of angst. I flew through this one like nobody's business and couldn't put it down.Thorn is an enemies-to-lovers high school romance between Amalie and Jake. After a tragic accident, Amalie Windsor-Marsh, a British rich girl, lost both her parents and moved from London to the States to stay with her grandmother. Jake (Jacob) Thorn, Captain of the football team and King of Rosewood High, decided that she doesn't belong after their first contact and made it his mission to make her life miserable so that she leaves at their school.
The only reason this didn't get a 5 star was due to the ending. The last "conflict" got wrapped up pretty quickly to lead onto the next instalment. The timeline continues so I definitely need to read this in order even though it follows different couples.
Have you already read Thorn? If you did, let me know your thoughts and if it's worth continuing this series!
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