Title: Until April Series: Until Her/Him #10 - (can be read as standalone as I haven’t read the others) Genre: Contemporary Romance Trope(s): childhood friends, alpha hero Cliffhanger: no Narrators: Laura Jennings & Sebastian Grove Narration Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Length: 6h 53m Spice level: 🔥🔥 Rating: ⭐⭐ RELEASE DATE: October 26th, 2021
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the audiobook. I voluntarily listened and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Until April is book 10 in the Until Her/Him series, which is the spinoff series of Aurora Rose Reynolds’ Until series. The only one I read is Until November (from the Until series) and I didn't read any other books in both series. Still, I didn’t feel lost but the other characters do appear so you might want to read the other books but I was okay reading it as a standalone.
This book is about April Mayson who worked hard to become a successful realtor and to live her best life. Until her first kiss and childhood friend, Maxim Kauwe, comes back into her life. She now has to deal with Maxim, her ex, and a potential serial killer on realtors on the loose.
Similar to Until November, the hero in that one was a bit problematic because of his extreme caveman behaviours. Now that I read this one as well, it seems like the author’s MO. Don’t get me wrong, I love alpha heroes and when they get obsessive and possessive with the heroine. However, the romance happened so randomly and right off the bat. Adding to Maxim’s alphaness/actions, it just rubbed me the wrong way and not to mention April is basically a doormat (she kept saying that she doesn’t like taking orders but then when the hero does, she kept using “following the flow” as excuses). The scene with Maxim and his brother is so childish and stupid (sorry not sorry).
The audiobook was good and the narrators did a good job! Have you already read or listened to Until April? If you did, let me know your thoughts!
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